7 Tips For A New Puppy

From crate training and potty training to basic obedience commands such as sit, stay and come, there are many important things that you should teach your puppy during the early stages of its life. This article will provide an overview of the most essential behaviors that every pup should learn before becoming a part of its forever home.

1.       Crate training: A crate is a secure space for your puppy to rest and sleep in during its early days in your home. It can help teach the pup boundaries, as well as provide it with a feeling of safety while learning how to live inside the home. Start by placing treats and toys inside the crate and encouraging the pup to explore them on their own. As they become comfortable with this idea, begin closing the door for short periods at a time so that the pup becomes accustomed to being in the crate with the door shut. When done properly, crate training will create an enjoyable experience for both you and your pup.

2.       Potty Training: Starting potty training right away is essential for teaching your puppy good bathroom habits. This should involve using positive reinforcement to reward the pup when they go in the right spot and gently guiding them away from accidents if they occur. Investing in a good quality puppy pad can help during the potty training process as it will give your pup an appropriate place to do their business without fear of being scolded or punished.

3.       Basic Obedience Commands: Learning basic obedience commands such as sit, stay and come are essential for having a well behaved pup. Start by teaching these commands with luring and rewarding methods, gradually moving on to verbal cues once your pup becomes more comfortable with the idea of following instructions. Be sure to only use positive reinforcement when teaching these commands so that your pup is motivated to learn and eager to please.

4.       Leash Training: Getting your pup accustomed to wearing a leash and walking on one is an important step in their development. Start by getting them used to the feeling of having something around their neck, whether it be a harness or collar, before attaching the leash. Once your puppy is comfortable with this idea, begin taking short walks around the house or yard so that they can learn how to walk nicely on a lead.

5.       Socialization: Exposing your pup to new people, animals and environments is essential for helping them become well rounded individuals when they reach maturity. Start by attending puppy classes or play dates with friends and family members who have dogs of their own. Bring treats along for all participants so that your pup is rewarded for positive behavior.

6.       Chewing: Puppies love to chew, which can be a problem when they start to get their teeth! Help prevent this by providing them with appropriate things to chew on such as rawhide bones and puzzle toys that are specifically designed for teething puppies. If they start chewing on something inappropriate like furniture or shoes, immediately remove the item and provide them with an alternative that is okay to chew on instead.

7.       Jumping: One of the most common problems owners face when training puppies is learning how to stop them from jumping on people or furniture. The best way to do this is by ignoring the behavior completely until the puppy stops before rewarding it with attention or treats. This will teach them that jumping up is not the way to get your attention and they will begin to stop on their own.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your pup gets off to a good start in its new home. With patience and consistency, you will be able to successfully train your pup to become the well behaved family member you’ve always wanted.  Good luck!


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