Below are some of our favorite dog training success stories.

  • A year ago I fostered a german shepherd/pit bull mix named Sora. Sora was in a shelter in California. When I looked at the list of dogs needing foster, I kept going back to her picture and bio. Why did I choose her? I was afraid that she wouldn’t get out of the shelter otherwise. She had very naughty behaviors that made her very hard to place in a home. Due to her jumping on people and mouthing them, the shelter labeled her behavior rude. And it was. She got here and put all of my training experience to the test – counter surfing, mouthy behavior and biting the leash when you tried to walk her.
    About a week into it I saw the gem underneath the naughty dog and I burst into tears. What a waste it would have been if she hadn’t made it out of the shelter. She was hands down the smartest dog I have ever worked with.

    Sora is now known as Zora and is living an amazing life with a couple in Olympia and their 9 year old son. They have done a wonderful job with her training.

    From Zora’s mom, Tam:

    “Zora is a very loved member of our family and by strangers everywhere we go. We are so grateful to have found her and happy she was able to join our family.”

  • Mason was confiscated from a neglect case in California. When he got off the rescue transport from California, he was covered in his own waste, he was sick as a dog. On the way home he carried on in the car, barking and furiously trying to get out of the crate. Joe and I wondered what we had gotten ourselves into! Mason was a big boy with an unknown temperament and history.

    With training and structure we worked through his issues, and Mason blossomed. We have had success with difficult dogs because we are calm and consistent and provide the structure they need. Mason is one of the most resilient dogs I’ve ever met. He LOVED to work and embodied all the great qualities of the breed. We adored him.

    Mason now lives with a wonderful couple in Spokane. They adore him as well. From Mason’s mom, Kaitlyn:

    ”Mason is wonderful; he has exceeded everything that we could have hoped for in a dog. He is such a character and he makes us laugh every day.”

  • I have so much less anxiety about walking Belly now that I have these plans in place and ways to wear her out without wearing myself out!

    Belly loves the long line. We had a nice jaunt around Meadowbrook yesterday.

    The whole situation feels so much lighter. I really appreciate your input!

  • I met Marian in line dancing class. Marian asked if I was a dog trainer and if I could help them with their Samoyed boys.

    When I met with them, it was clear they were doing a lot of things right! As an experienced third party I could assess the situation and give them some tips to make things even better. The boys are smart and eager to learn.

    Marian sent this wonderful update:

    ”I've been thinking about how helpful your encouragement has been. Their focus has improved a lot since our "work" walks. They have been doing much better on their walks. Especially if there is a fixation like another dog, and I act decisively to take them a different direction, have them sit, etc. It is so obvious on their face that they are super happy for me to be a better leader.”

  • From clients Joe and his family:

    Gus responded so well to Andrea’s lead and she did a great job of giving us adults some training as well. Already, we have seen great progress with Gus and we are all enjoying our training time. Within 2 days of our in person session, she sent an email summary along with several resources and training tips. Thank you, Andrea for taking such great care of our family. We appreciated that she came to us and we could train at home surrounded by our other dogs and family members.

  • Andrea met with us to help us with our GSD puppy. She came to the house and spent quality time getting to know Hugo & helped us create a plan of more structured activities for him. We have better tools and a deeper understanding of how to provide leadership and positive outlets for his boundless energy. Andrea has a good intuitive feel for the dogs and provides great guidance on creating a better partnership with your dog. I highly recommend her!

You may be frustrated with your dog right now.
We ALL have those moments.

With the right training and structure, you can have a harmonious relationship with your dog. The relationship you have always wanted.