The life-saving skill of coming when called

If want a reliable Recall with your dog, you need to practice, practice, practice.  And ALWAYS follow through.  “Come” means come to you every time, AND the dog will be rewarded for it.

Lead Dog offers private dog training in North Bend, Snoqualmie, Fall City, Issaquah and Sammamish.

1. Choose a Command

  • Decide on a clear, distinct command for coming, such as "Come," "Here," or "Come here." Use the same word consistently. If you have been using this cue for a long time and your dog ignores it, start fresh with a new cue.

2. Start in a Distraction-Free Environment

  • Begin training in a quiet, enclosed area with minimal distractions. This helps your dog focus on you and the command.

3. Get Your Dog’s Attention

  • Use a happy, enthusiastic tone to get your dog’s attention. You can call their name or use a high-value treat or toy to engage them.

4. Use Positive Reinforcement

  • Step 1: Hold a treat or toy close to your dog’s nose to get them interested.

  • Step 2: Say the command ("Come") clearly and excitedly.

  • Step 3: Once your dog starts moving towards you, praise them enthusiastically and give them the treat or toy when they reach you. The key is to make the experience positive and rewarding.

5. Practice Short Distances

  • Begin by calling your dog from a short distance, gradually increasing the distance as they become more reliable. Each successful attempt should be rewarded immediately.

6. Increase Challenges Gradually

  • As your dog becomes more consistent, practice in different environments, such as your backyard or a park. Gradually introduce mild distractions to help your dog learn to come despite distractions.

7. Use a Long Leash for Training Outdoors

  • When practicing outdoors, use a long leash to give your dog more freedom while still maintaining control. This helps in preventing them from running away and ensures they learn to come back to you.

8. Avoid Negative Reinforcement

  • Never punish your dog for not coming when called. This can create a negative association with the command. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and patience.

9. Reinforce the Behavior Regularly

  • Even after your dog has learned to come reliably, continue to reinforce the behavior with occasional rewards. This helps maintain the command's reliability over time.

10. Practice Consistently

  • Regular practice is crucial for reinforcing the command. Integrate recall exercises into your daily routine to keep the behavior strong.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Dog Doesn’t Come When Called: If your dog is not responding, ensure you are using high-value treats or toys and that you are in a distraction-free environment. Check if the command is being used inconsistently or if your dog is experiencing any health issues that might affect their behavior.

  • Dog Runs Away When Called: If your dog runs away, they may be associating the command with something negative or have learned to avoid coming to you. Start with shorter distances and practice using the long leash to build trust and reliability.

  • Dog Gets Distracted Easily: Gradually increase distractions as your dog improves. Start with low-level distractions and slowly work up to more challenging environments.


Teaching your dog to come when called is a rewarding experience that enhances safety and strengthens your bond. By using positive reinforcement, practicing regularly, and being patient, you can ensure your dog responds reliably to the recall command. Remember, consistency and positive experiences are key to successful training.

For private dog training in North Bend and the rest of the Snoqualmie Valley, please contact Lead Dog Coaching:


Enjoying your walks in the Snoqualmie Valley


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